Imagine if you could monitor all your patients in real time – regardless of whether they choose Dexcom, FreeStyle Libre, or finger prick blood tests? Perfect for any form of remote monitoring, including in-patient care, residential care, aged care and diabetes camps.

You are often hamstrung by time, money, lack of data, and sometimes by the difficulty of explaining concepts to patients

Diabetes certainly requires a lot of knowledge, lots of experiments, lots
of data, shared understanding, as well as lived experience
– it makes it pretty difficult to offer patient-centred care!

Jade is a patient App (iPhone/iPad/Android) that works hand-in-hand with our HCP web portal to provide you with everything you need to make informed decisions.

There is no need to install software from multiple manufacturers, or import data from a multitude of meters and devices.

All data is available seconds after the patient has it – either manually or through our automatic connections to meters, pumps and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).

You can quickly review the last 4 weeks, access standard reports, and even see dose change suggestions.

The App is easy to setup either by you, the patient or a Diabetes Nurse Educator, and is very similar to the FreeStyle Insulinx or an insulin pump in setup – Jade is designed to work in the same way so that training is transferable.

The App has just-in-time education built in, so if the blood sugars are high or low, there is immediate guidance available. If the doses look too high or too low, the App again has guidance available to help explain why this might have happened at the point of care – not 3-6 months later.

See What Our Customers Had To Say
โ I'm already seeing the benefits of Jade - the prediction engine is powerful! Next I'll sync this to my CGM and reduce manual BG logs. "
โ I definitely give it an "excellent". At first, I was wishing the app could take a calibration reading from the CGM every hour or 2, but now realize it is more beneficial as is, so that I can track what made me stray from predicted levels. It also motivates me, which was a great surprise! Without a doubt, this is the most useful diabetes app I have ever used...and I will absolutely recommend it.. "
โ I think it is great and a huge help. I would love to see you take it to places that dexcom doesn't seem to want to go. I want to say Thank You one more time. I saw your background and I know you understand that you try to find every helpful tool available to help a child with their care as this is not easy. Your application has been terrific in predicting bgl and the ability to leverage the cloud to provide dosing settings and logs has been fantastic "
โ Live Dexcom service with Jade is excellent. I would recommend it to other people. "